Eating disorders – a complete guide

Learning about Eating Disorders:

To ascertain that an individual suffers from eating disorder, the following points can be checked out:

1) If an individual is obsessed of eating, he suffers from an eating disorder.

2) If individuals deny food for themselves when they are hungry, they suffer from eating disorders.

3) If they over-exercise to the point of physical pain and injury after taking meals, they have an eating disorder.

4) When individuals vomit after taking meals, they suffer from eating disorder.

5) They can suffer from it when they eat large quantities of food uncontrollably.

6) If individuals use diuretics or laxatives regularly they suffer from an eating disorder.

Basics of an Eating Disorder -

Individuals suffering from an Eating Disorder adopt harmful eating habits which disturb their physical health. It is a syndrome, an illness, usually occurring in teenage girls and women, but can be found in men too. It is caused due to psychiatric and other disorders like depression and anxiety disorders, resulting in poor nutrition that damages body organs and even resulting in death in some extreme cases. Eating depends on several physical and psychological factors around the person and disturbs the bodily activities. Food intolerance test for allergy can easily identify & alert you for any sensitivity towards any food group.

Types of Eating Disorder -

Anorexia Nervosa: Anorexia Nervosa usually begins at a young age and involves starvation. The worst aspect of this disorder is that they are convinced that they are overweight and try shedding off the excess, which leads to excessive weight loss (at least 15% below the normal body weight). Individuals have the fear of gaining weight and so stick to rigorous exercise routines, get into the habit of measuring every food item for the calorie intake, and even adopt strange eating habits and refuse to eat in front of others. Women with this disorder may suffer from loss of monthly menstrual periods and men suffer from impotency.

Bulimia Nervosa: People with the condition Bulimia Nervosa consume excessive amounts of food and then get rid of excess calories by vomiting, using laxatives, diuretics or enemas or by way of rigorous exercise routines. Using any or combinations of all the forms of purging, individuals suffering from this condition secretly binge and purge, and manage to maintain normal or above normal body weight, so the problem remains hidden from others for a longer time. Anger, fear and depression can be commonly seen among such people. Ranging from once or twice a week, they can even binge and purge several times in a day. Heavy dieting between binging and purging can also be seen. About half of the people suffering from Anorexia are seen suffering from Bulimia. Beginning at adolescence, this can be seen in women and sometimes men too.

Binge Eating Disorder: Binge Eating Disorder resembling Bulimia Nervosa involves excessive consumption of food or binging. However, it differs from Bulimia – there is no purging of excess calories. Individuals in this condition lack self control while eating, consume excessive quantities of food until they are uncomfortable, and have difficulty losing weight and keeping it off. Obesity and weight fluctuations can be seen. Reportedly, about 2% of the population, more women than men and about 30% people undergoing medically supervised weight control programs suffer from this disorder.

Most popular profiles for Body checkups are Thyrocare Aarogyam A, Aarogyam B & Aarogyam C. It is advisable to go for a annual checkup for people above age of 40.

10 Things to Check for When Installing a Fixed RFID Reader System

Just to list a couple:

RFID tag, hardware and software selection
Site survey and workflow analysis
Proof of concept testing
System design
However, at the time of installation, it’s a great idea to check the following to make your installation as smooth as possible:

Only connect / disconnect an RFID antenna to an RFID reader when the device is powered off .
Angle the antennas to increase the dwell time (the time tag spends in the read zone when traveling through).
Install antennas with an adjustable swivel mount for adjustment of the antenna height and angle to modify the read zone.
Sure that RF cable connectors are tight!
Protect the RFID readers and antennas so they don’t get bumped, moved or damaged.
Ensure that LED’s and visual indicators on the RFID device are easily visible. This is important to be able to visually verify status lights.
When mounting RFID readers, ensure that there is enough spacing so that cables can be easily added or removed later on.
Cable lengths from one reader to pairs of antennas should be equal (to ensure that the attenuation is equal).
Visually inspect the installed AC outlets and Ethernet cable runs.
Check functions of I/O devices and their correct placement.

X-Ray Systems: Solution for Analysing Defected Organs

With the emerging technologies, the requirement for screening with an aim to find the results in different types of industries also increases. These systems are gaining momentum & proving their potential in all domains of technologies.

Many people think that the presence of X-ray devices is only in healthcare for finding accurate results in the diagnostic fields. However, with the growing world, it is also extensively used for the inspection, sizes, and density of various things like battery cells, alignment of nodal points, etc.

X-Ray systems are extensively used in the field of inspection like PCB {Point Circuit Battery}, automotive inspection, and battery inspection.

Concept of X-ray systems:
It has a generator control that cooperates with an operator to select the appropriate methods for finding a quality image. In short, the X-ray generator controls the x-ray tube and x-ray kilo voltages.

The application of the X-Ray detectors can be found in various fields like medicine, X-Ray fluorescence, electronic assembly inspection, and it also helps in measuring of the thickness of the materials. It is also used in the sterilization process.

Uses of the X-Ray systems:
Its uses are as follows:

1. Medicine:
Its main domains are radiography, radiotherapy, fluoroscopic type procedures, orthopantomogram mammography, and tomography. Fluoroscopy is present in angioplasty, biopsy, and various orthopaedic procedures. These are highly advanced devices used to take in-depth pictures of bone and teeth.

2. Security:
We are all aware that it is an essential issue and x-ray systems are used extensively to examine the luggage at the airports, public buildings, and metro stations. For security purposes, the use of a generator is required.

3. Color classification:
It depends on the density of the material and its sizes. Orange colours are displayed by organic materials such as paper, clothes. Green colours are displayed by mixed materials such as aluminium. Blue colours are displayed by the inorganic materials and non-penetrable displays black.

4. Military & Defence:
In today’s generation, the military requires the best quality of detection. Its common applications are product quality assurance, missing components, assembly verification, and its products are ammunition, small arms, etc.

5. Electronics:
These domains of industries are running by miniaturization and its common uses are failure analysis, solder joint integrity, component positioning. Their various products are integrated circuits, and electromechanical components.

6. Forensic Engineering and Product availability:
Forensic Engineering refers to an investigation of the components that failed and does not operate as per design. Its common uses are debris analysis; memorialize evidence and common products such as gas controls and automobile components.

Different Types of X- Rays:
Standard Computed Tomography: It refers to computerized axial tomography and its main target is to obtain the results in problems related to heart ailments, blood clotting.
Kidney, ureter, and bladder X-Ray: It helps to develop the results associated with the gastrointestinal systems.
Chest X-Ray: It is used by doctors when the problems are associated with shortness of breath, suffocation, etc.
Lungs X-Ray: These types of the X- Rays are used for a comparison of the different zones of the lungs like the middle, upper, and lower and the complications are shown by the increased or decreased density of the lungs.
Recent Developments in the X-Ray systems:
With its availability in a few of the major industries of the world, scientists and engineers are regularly developing unique methods which can be easily fit into the device’s high-quality resolution images without giving high doses of radiation.

In recent times, there has been a shift towards specialized software solutions that can easily advance the applications of the images. By generating its applications in software, its production is changing as per the uses of the consumer.

Materials used in making X-Ray systems:

Operating Console: It aims to control the X-Ray tube current and voltage and helps in producing good results in terms of quality and quantity. It helps in finding better results.
High-frequency Generator: It strengthens the X-Ray tubes & helps in the production of effective results. It is also small & easily portable.
Effects of X- Rays on the body:
With the new and current developments in the X-Ray systems, the main motive of the physician or the medical professionals is to give lower doses of radiation to the patient.

Because as we all know that the higher doses of radiation cause many serious side effects like Vomiting tendency, hair loss, bleeding, uneasiness, and various skin problems.

With the changing conventional X-Ray systems due to the new applications developed by the scientists, engineers, and doctors, their productivity are also increasing with the emerging needs of the industries and their uses.

As we know that there are various manufacturers in the market and the market is very competitive.