Opting for home loans is almost a lifelong commitment, which most people make in their late twenties or thirties. The tenure of the home loans can range from 20 to 30 years. So, as time passes and your financial conditions improve, you can shift your housing loan to the financial company that you wish to. Due to the advantages being offered by the new financial company, the ideal financial strategy for you would be a home loan transfer. Yet, make this shift carefully.
Firstly, you can re-negotiate the interest rate for your home loan. This can allow you to shift your home loan at a lower interest rate as compared to what you are currently paying. Nonetheless, it may not be applicable for everyone, who is transferring the loan. A home loan balance transfer can be considered a right move for you only if it offers you an ideal strategy and lower EMIs.
With changing times, you can improve your credit score and repayment ability. Therefore, when you shift your loan to a new housing finance company, you can customize the repayment scheme to suit your current cash flow. So, invest your time to research the repayment options available with the potential housing finance partners. Though, lower interest and a different repayment strategy are common home loan transfer reasons , people also use this financial service if they are not happy with the facilities provided by the current lender. You can also carry out a transfer if your current housing finance company is not willing to renegotiate certain terms and conditions or if you want a top-up loan for renovating your home.
Though, it seems like a beneficial plan for several reasons, it is a financial service. Hence, you must also exercise some caution to ensure that you don’t end up paying more interest to the new mortgage company. Lower EMIs and longer tenure implies overpay in most cases. Thus, being cautious is essential to protect yourself against such financial decisions that may harm your cash flow.
In addition, you should also not offer the same collateral that you offered to your previous housing finance partner, if you have already paid a major portion of the loan. You only need to put forward collateral that is proportional to your housing loan balance to your new housing finance company. With the right strategy, this switch could be a great financial choice for you and your family.